David Davis is from Mcbride, BC and operates a fully licensed tattoo shop there.  He shared with us some of his works and we decided to post them up on our blog.  I never been to Mcbride before but I hear it is a great place for nature hikes and getaways.

Oliver Tattoo

I am going to go out on a limb here to say that this may be a tattoo of someone in remembrance of a loved one by the name of Oliver?

Koi Fish Tattoo

Here is a very detailed Koi fish that is not quite done yet but appears to be coming along nicely.  David said that he will be adding some color to this and we can’t wait to see the end result!

Thank you David, keep up the great work, don’t be shy to send us some more pictures when you get the chance, especially of the finished Koi fish!