Robbie Dufresne, 34, is a professional tattoo artist at Sullen Ink in Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, USA.  We wanted to thank Robbie for taking the time to shoot us an email with some pictures of work he has done using Hildbrandt tattoo machines.  We were grateful to see our Hildbrandt’s in the hands of yet another talented artist laying some serious ink.

Old School Skull Roses Tattoo OldSchool Skull Roses Tattoo

These are the two pictures he sent us in the email, no matter if its 10 years later or 10 years ago, the old school style skull and roses will always be a classic.  He included this little bit of commentary with his email  “.. I have been using your machines without missing a beat for 3 years now. On both pieces here i used a 44 magnum liner and the .38 caliber Shader  along with couple other machines.. I have 2 Work Horse Irons machines and i am telling you the truth tat i use my Hilidbrant machines more!! Especially my .44 mag liner that i have tweaked up. The frame and hardware is flawless…

Sullen Tattoo

Some more ink by the artists at Sullen Ink, courtesy of their Facebook page

Thank you for the high regard Robbie, You guys look like you have a tight knit studio going on over there which is great!

Robbie is a professional artist at Sullen Ink of Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, checkout them out on Sullen Ink Facebook Page!  More of Robert’s work can be found under his name Robert Sullen on that page.  If your reading this Robbie, keep up the great work and hope to hear from you soon buddy!

UPDATE: Robbie has since opened up his own studio called Screaming Aces!  Checkout him out on their page!