We were getting some pictures done at the Hildbrandt Tattoo, 113- 13980 Maycrest Way shop for the Radiant Colors brand campaign and figured it would be nice to do a post with them.  Seeing as we get people asking how to find us and where the hell we are.  Our shop is conveniently located near the intersection of No. 6 and Cambie in Richmond.  With a nice clean view of farmland across No. 6, a golf course to the right at Maycrest Way and the unmistakable smell of cow manure on humid nights from the farmland.  I like the area, when I drive here in the morning, I like to look over at the golf course and think, “I could be playing golf!  but here I am driving to work…..”.

Hildbrandt Sign1

Our store at 113-13980 Maycrest Way in Richmond BC

Hildbrandt Tattoo Shop 1

Hildbrandt Tattoo Shop 2

Hildbrandt Tattoo Shop 3

Interior of our store


Our first store on Vickers Way, back in 2011!

I also found an old gem of a picture of our first shop on Vickers Way with my fat bro.  We were so proud that day, making sure the place was spotless clean and doing much of the renovations ourselves to scrimp and save.  It was just shy of 1000 square feet, little did we think a few years later we would need to move to a bigger place.  I hope the good times keep on rolling!