We are happy to finally have installed the awning on our warehouse. It was a nice clear sunny day today, really matched the incredibly bright yellow sign. For those of you who don’t know, Investus Inc. is the parent company of Hildbrandt Tattoo Equipment and Valsturd Tattoo Supply. Hence the reason for the Investus name on the sign and not Hildbrandt. The warehouse may look small, well in the grand scheme of warehouses, it is small, but for tattoo equipment, its a good size.

We pride ourselves in our humble origins of being a small home based company built up to what it is today. What it is today is of course still up for debate. If anyone was to ask me, I’d say we are somewhere from being well known and unheard of, if that makes any sense. If anyone asked Davie, he’d probably chuckle and say “we doing pretty good, who the hell cares anyways”. Matter of fact I think he said pretty much that exact phrase last weekend. Its been an excellent journey so far and I would say god has blessed us with quite a bit of good fortune. Yeah we might party a bit too hard but hey, whats the point of working so hard if you don’t get a day to enjoy it every now and then. Thank you too all of our supporters that have been around since we first started, we hope to be able to serve you for many more years to come.

david and mark

August 18, 2017 UPDATE: It was due to a search on google that I stumbled upon this 6 year old post and felt that it needed an update. What has changed in the past 6 years? Well, I still work 10 hour days and Hildbrandt Tattoo Supply has grown by leaps and bounds, supported by a great crew and by thousands of amazing customers. We have moved from our old warehouse (above), got rid of the ugly yellow sign and moved into our current location in 2013 at 13980 Maycrest Way, Unit 113 (below). Our parent company, Investus Inc. has expanded to include Perpetual Permanent Makeup & Microblading Equipment and Supplies, Clean Co. Cleaning Supplies, Pürdent Dental Products, Lithium Lion Electric Lighters, Doreme Pigments and Coveted Cosmetics. Our warehouse size has expanded from 1050 square feet to over 3000 square feet. We have a dead tarantula on our wall that I bought from the Victoria Bug Zoo. Davie lost his virginity finally, haha just kidding Davie, I know your still a virgin!

Hildbrandt Tattoo Supply